The Final Conference of the DRYNOS project was organised in Lisbon in the 26th of September 2014. The conference was organised in CIUL – Centro de Informação Urbana – Centro Comercial Picoas Plaza and was attended by almost 100 participants representing mainly the forest workers in Portugal.

The agenda of the conference and the presentations are presented below

14:00             Opening Ceremony

14:15             “University studies on Forestry in Portugal” Maria Helena Almeida, Instituto Superior de Agronomia – Course of Forestry Engineering

14:35            “New Jobs, New Opportunities for the Forest Sector”; “B-Learning and Long Distance Learning” and “Drymos” Kostas Balaskas (Greece) and Jean Luc Gurtner (Switzerland)

14:50             Debate

15:00             Coffee Break

15:30             Artificial forest regeneration in changing conditions: Fernando L. Alves (Portugal) and Michal Vanco                                   (Slovakia)

                      Teaching fire protection and volunteerism in Greece: Vicky Dimitriou and Florent Celhay (Greece)

                       Protection against Flooding: C. Souto Cruz (Portugal)

                       Mobile applications for the Knowledge and Identification of Animal Life: Charis Tsimpouris (Univ. of Patra-Greece)

16:30             Debate

16:45             Coffee Break

17:15             Dissemination / Promotion of scientific information on the wider public: Jean Luc Gurtner (Switzerland)

                      Innovative methods in forest measurement: Pilar Valbuena CESEFOR (Spain)

                      Growing markets – new skills required: the cases of legal timber trade, sustainable forestry and climate forest services – Nicola Andrighetto, Alessandro Leonardi, Alessia Portacio and Irene Teso (ETIFOR – Italy)

                      Business Model Development: Kostas Balaskas (Greece)

18:30             Debate

18:45             Closing ceremony

19:00             final


Supported by the DI-XL project related with the dissemination and exploitation of LLP results through libraries


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